Catherine Finishes Writing About My Class

Catherine Finishes Writing About My Class

Catherine's been posting tasting notes from my Wines of Germany and Eastern Europe class. She posted about the last two classes, Hungary and Croatia, Romania, and Slovenia. I found a moderate amount of wines from these regions, some good and some less so.

There's still time to sign up for my Spring class, Fundamentals of Wine II (note that you don't need to take Fundamental I first). It'll be a fun course, so buy a seat for yourself and 15 of your closest friends.

- Ucb Wine Studies: Fundamentals I Outline
I haven’t mentioned my upcoming UCB Extension wine class in a while, but today I made the final course outline. It seemed like a good time to remind any Bay Areans about the class, which starts on October 11 and gives an overview of the wines of...

- Can I Still Sign Up For Your Class?
The other night, a friend of mine asked me if he could still sign up for my six-week class on the wines of Germany and Eastern Europe. He can. And so can you. Just click here and register. It seems expensive, but each night you'll be tasting somewhere...

- Wines Of Germany And Eastern Europe, Fall 2006 At Uc Extension
My six-week UC Berkeley Extension course about the Wines of Germany and Eastern Europe has come around again. Typical UC wine courses feature 8-10 wines per evening, but I've plied my distributor contacts so that I can stretch my budget as far as...

- Enroll Early, Enroll Often.
Look into my eyes. You want to learn about German wines. And Austrian wines. And Eastern European wines. You want to taste them. You want to impress your friends with your command of the wines of the Rhine and Danube. Now you have the chance. UC Berkeley...

- Wines Of Germany And Eastern Europe
Long-time readers know how much I love German and Austrian wines. Even relatively recent readers have probably figured it out. For three and a half years, I've used my little corner of the web to brainwash you into trying them as well. You probably...

