UCB Wine Studies: Fundamentals I Outline

UCB Wine Studies: Fundamentals I Outline

I haven’t mentioned my upcoming UCB Extension wine class in a while, but today I made the final course outline. It seemed like a good time to remind any Bay Areans about the class, which starts on October 11 and gives an overview of the wines of California and Europe via lectures and lots of tasting. By the end of the class, students will be able to talk about a world of wines with confidence and aplomb. In a funny twist, this class got me hooked on wine five and a half years ago, so I’m looking forward to it. You can imagine my despair at only having eight weeks to cover the sprawling map of European wine regions — I’ve taught an entire six-week course on Eastern European wines, after all — but the short timeframe should focus me.

  1. The Loire and Bordeaux
  2. Champagne and Chablis
  3. Spain and Portugal
  4. Burgundy and Beaujolais
  5. Italy (with a splash of Slovenia and Croatia, perhaps)
  6. Alsace, Germany and Austria
  7. The Rhône and Provence (with a splash of Savoie)
  8. California

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