

With the work on the bedroom last week (I'll have before & after photos for you later; we still have a few things to work on before I declare it 'finished'), I didn't really want to do a lot of cooking, but I did want to provide food for the hard-working guys. Ripping out carpet and underlying accessories? You bet that's hard work.

So, there were cold cuts and cheeses, rolls and condiments. Cold beverages, too. (Paper plates and plastic ware, as well...I wasn't about to add loads of dishes to my to-do list.) Nothing too fancy.

But, I did bake up a batch of chocolate chip cookies, as well as these Brrr-ownies, from Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours.

The 'brrr' comes from the chopped up York Peppermint Patties in the batter...I thought they could have been more mint-y, and the flavor better distributed, but they smelled wonderful, and everyone liked them.

I'd definitely try this one again, but use a different candy, maybe? Or add peppermint essence. My guys like strong flavors, after all.

Blog Party#23 is here...and it's out of this world! This June, turn your favorite appetizers and cocktails into Sci-Fi treats. Entries are due Thursday, 28 June (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com)...hope to see you there!

Blogging by Mail sign-ups are going on now! The latest round of goody-swapping is all about My Favorite Things. You have till 5 July to join the fun...

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Baking + Brownies + Chocolate + Peppermint + Cookbooks + Dorie Greenspan

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