Blog Party#8: Brunch---The Round-Up

Blog Party#8: Brunch---The Round-Up

Wow, what a turn out! Would you look at that...the house is packed! Just the way I like it.

This is our biggest Blog Party to date! Goes to show what a little publicity (thank you, IMBB?) can do; now everyone wants to come to the most happening party in the blogsphere!

Ok...maybe not everyone, but tonight marks a milestone for us; 20 guests!

To both new and returning Blog Party friends, a most warm welcome...let's do brunch!

I kind of backed myself into a corner with this theme. After all, you don't find a lot of 'music for breakfast' compilations out there. Still, I think I've found a couple of good albums to play back-drop for our little affair.

First, how about the hard-to-find Sunday Brunch?

To keep us modern, we'll mix it up with the indie-rock cover gems of

This Bird Has Flown: A 40th Anniversary Tribute to the Beatles' Rubber Soul

Now, for the table!

I'm always looking for appetizer plates and servingware. So, I just couldn't pass up these adorable appetitzer dishes...perfect for little bites.

And because when I think 'brunch', I see shades of yellow, how about this platter?

Don't forget the drinks! These glasses are perfect for all your champagne/juice combinations.

Our first guest tonight, and someone we're glad to have back after a few month's absence, is Sweetnicks! Good to have you here.
Tonight, she's brought along a cool and healthy Fruit Salad; what a great way to start the party! Thanks so much for coming, Sweetnicks!

Next through the door, a first-timer at Blog Party; say hello to Pat! Pat's a lot like me: love the breakfast foods, hate the early hours. Fortunately, she's come with the prepared-the-night-before Caramelized-Onion and Bacon Tart. Looks delicious, and it's genius! See, you don't have to roll out of bed at six for a party with the Happy glad you could make it, Pat!

Ulrike makes another long flight from Germany to attend tonight's party, and I know we're all happy she's here. Tonight, she's brought us Saffron Poppy Knots and Sekt, which is a sparkling wine. Ulrike, how did you know I adore saffron? It's just so...decadent! And folks...grab a glass, that Red Riding Hood won't last long!
Thanks so much for joining the party, Ulrike!

Our very next guest, and another newcomer to Blog Party, is Cameradawktor. And she's definitely singing my tune with her Breakfast Casserole! Exactly my kind of dish...simple and good. Yum. And I'm loving her Sleepover Slammer; as a kid, I was always mixing flavors in drinks...and this one's full of them!
It's all great, Cameradawtor; and thanks for coming tonight!

Another first-time guest; this time it's Spicehut. Welcome! And come on in.
Look what she's brought us! Some gorgeous Golden Plum Muffins; ooh, I love them! To go with, Spicehut's prepared some Indian-style coffee, which sounds absolutely perfect. We're so happy you could make it tonight!

Heather's been MIA the last few times we've gotten together, but she just had to come back for Brunch! I know I'm glad you're back, because I can't wait to dig into those Mini Frittatas, yum. And don't forget to try one of Heather's chocolate-banana Breakfast Shakes, too! Glad to have you back!

Ashwini's here! And thanks to her husband's cravings, we're lucking enough to have her Moong Dal Chilla; or Split Green Gram Pancakes. Oooh...they look so good! Ashwini's also brought us some Mattha; a spiced buttermilk drink. Sounds intriguing...I'll have some of that!
Thank you so much for coming to tonight's party!

We have another newbie tonight-everyone say 'hi' to Swee San! She was worried her dishes might not be appropriate, but just take a look at her Mini Scrambled Eggs!
Just perfect, seriously.
She's also brought us some gorgeous Spring Rolls, which I can't wait to try, as well as some Ice Cold Lemon Tea.
It's all great, Swee San! And I'm so happy you could make it!

And still another first-timer to Blog Party!! I love it...this time, it's Michele, with her very first appearance. Welcome! Tonight, Michele's brought along some interesting Oatmeal Banana Smoothies. Slightly sweet, and just a bit sneaky (working in that good-for-girls flaxseed), you're going to love them. She's also made Bacon Parmesan English Muffins, which I think are brilliant. So simple, yet so tasty!
Excellent job, Michele; and thanks for coming!

Ramya's back, and you'd better jump in line if you want to sample her dishes...because I'm calling dibs on those
Sweet Potato Spheres! Yummy. Ramya knows how to please a crowd, because she's also brought along Plantain Flower Donuts, and Tender Coconut Water. It's all wonderful, and we're so happy you could made it here tonight!

Still another first-time guest, and also our first Frenchwoman! Let's be sure to give Bea a warm, Blog Party welcome, ok? Oooh...Matt's already clamoring for Bea's Smoked Salmon Potato Nests...I mean, smoked salmon. Potatoes. You just can't go wrong, can you? And they're just so...pretty! It's wonderful, Bea; and I do hope you'll come back every month...welcome to the party!

Tania finally made it to her first Blog Party, and we're so happy she's here! Tania, you'd better watch out of tiny hands...if Alex finds out you made Chocolate Chip Banana Mini Muffins, we'll never get him off to bed! And what could go better with those muffins, than a nice pot of
Madhur Jaffrey's Masala Chai? And for the record; Matt's with's not 'tea tea'; it's just Tea!
It all looks, and smells, happy to have you here!

Becky's been a busy girl, and hasn't had time for us lately (sniff, sniff), so I'm thrilled she could come to the party tonight! And take a look-see; she's made Sauteed Mushrooms and Smoked Mozzarella Bites in Arugula...oooh!
That definitely captures that 'not quite breakfast, but not exactly lunch' vibe perfectly. Great job, Becky, and thanks for coming!

And here's another new guest; Helen takes a chance with eggs...and possibly her marriage!...for tonight's party. She's made Oeufs en Cocotte, or Eggs Baked in Ramekins. How elegant! We're so glad you could join us tonight, Helen; thanks for joining the party!

What? Another new guest? I should have bought name tags! Everyone, say 'hello' to Grommie! And wow, color me impressed...Grommie made one of my favorite foods, but gave it a real twist: Breakfast Sushi! Lavash, fruit, and rice? To die for! Grommie also supplied us with all kinds of Asian Tidbits; rice crackers, wasabi peas, cinnamon almonds and teriyaki crackers. Love it!
And to drink, she's made Passionate Kisses Mimosas; Grommie, it's all perfect. Welcome to Blog Party, and I do hope you'll come back next month!

Next, it's Santhi, who managed to come back to food blogging just in time for the party!
Santhi's made the beautiful Gunta Ponganalu; wonderful little Indian fritter/pancake-y treats. If only we 1. had left-over dosa batte lying around, and 2. had one of those special pans! Oh, well; I guess we'll just have to wait till Santhi makes them again.
Thank you so much for coming tonight!

Cath and I are going to have to meet one day. We'll take on some crazy food project, side-by-side, preparing food long into the night.
See, I know I'm a bit mad when it comes to food. I'll stay up too late, take on too much. I thought it was just me. Clearly, I was wrong! Because look what Cath's brought for brunch:
There are Brie Puffs, Pesto Tortellini Skewers, Mini Crabcakes with Spicy Mayonnaise.
Bacon and Gorgonzola Mushroom Caps. Strawberry-Basil Bruschetta. Brown Butter Madeleines. Vosges Ancho Chile Chocolate Dipped Strawberries. Mini Pain Au Chocolat. And Raspberry Pomegranate Sparkling Lemonade!
If Cath seems a bit glassy-eyed tonight, don't worry. She's just exhausted from all that cooking!'s all so amazing. Fantastic job, Cath; and I'm truly happy you could fit us in!

One of my favorite foodie photographers, Haalo has returned! I mean, you clearly create some fabulous dishes, but seriously? You had me with the pictures!
Tonight, Haalo's made Mini Bircher Muesli with Grape Skewers, Mini Savory Muffins with Sour Cream, and Caffe Affogato "coretto". Impressive!
Everything's wonderful, as always; thank you so much for being here tonight!

Our very last guest tonight, and another newbie, please welcome Virtual Frolic! Bringing us both a sweet and a savory Turnover; the sweet made with pears and apples, and the savory with prosciutto and mozzarella. Brilliant! Something to please everyone.
And joining the pro-POM movement here at Blog Party, Virtual Frolic's made a POM Temple, a spin on the classic Shirley Temple. My kind of drink!
Thank you for coming!

I'd be failing as a hostess if I didn't offer a few treats of my own, so dig into these!

Miniature Vanilla-Hazelnut French Toast with Nutella

Baguette slices, soaked overnight in a mixture of half-and-half, eggs, vanilla and toasted toasted and chopped hazelnuts, then cooked in a skillet (in butter!), till golden. Served with heated Nutella.
Matt loved these. The French toast, on their own, are not at all sweet. But you can taste the vanilla, and the hazelnuts have been almost caramelized. Amazing.

Mini Bagel Breakfast Sandwiches
Tiny bagels, made from this recipe, topped with cooked eggs cut into rounds, slices of Dubliner Cheddar cheese, and small pieces of bacon. Very good.

Mock Raspberry Royale

Finally, a non-alcoholic spin on the Kir Royale; frozen raspberries, Torani raspberry syrup, and sparkling water, in a raspberry syrup and sugar-coated glass. Yum!

Well, that does it! Lots of great (and new) people, and so much amazing food! Be sure to give everything a try; this is your chance to try out so many different dishes.

I hope you've all had a great time, I'm not pushing you out the door. I'm just going to duck into the kitchen and check on the ice; please, stay as long as you like. It's not like we'll be getting up early tomorrow!

A big thanks to everyone who helped make this the best-attended Blog Party to date; and I do hope you'll all come back next month...and bring a friend!...for our next small-bites party. I'll be announcing the theme on the first of April (no foolin'!), and here's a hint: it's going to be decadent!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Events, Appetizers, Cocktails, Brunch, Breakfast, Blogging,

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