Blog Party#10: Garden Party Round-Up

Blog Party#10: Garden Party Round-Up

Welcome, everyone, to this month's Blog Party!

Tonight, we're taking the table outside, setting it with our prettiest linens and china, and serving up all sorts of appetizers, sweets and drinks to make this the best virtual Garden Party ever.

We have a lovely crowd tonight, but before we make the introductions, let's take a look at some lovely tableware, perfect for your next event!

Tonight, we're splurging a bit, and setting the table with gorgeous china, starting with the Celestial Gold collection, from Wedgewood.

I absolutely love this tea pot

And I would love to serve cute little finger sandwiches on this plate

For the table itself, I'm really breaking the budget with this fab-ulous Waterford tablecloth.

Simple lines, but so elegant.

And of course, there must be tea!

Since first learning about Adagio Teas some months ago, I have simply fallen in love with both the company, and their teas. I'm buying them for everyone I know...the teas are superb, and I really like the way they work. Try one of their sampler sets...I'm partial to the flavors sampler, myself.

I really wanted to have a string quartet playing for the party, but I blew my party allowance on the china and linens! Instead, we're stuck with CD's, but instead of the same-old, same-old, do I have a treat for you:

Strung Out on U2: The String Quartet Tribute!

Also, The String Quartet Tribute to Clapton

There are almost 200 tributes-to discs out there; give them a try! on the (really) good part: guests and food.

Our very first guest tonight, nice and early, is Ramya, and she's the also the first to provide me with a 'wow, I've never tried that!' dish: a Fruit Custard & Red Banana Sandwich! Sounds delicious, Ramya! And her pot of Massala tea makes it perfect; thanks for coming!

Next, it's Alicat, who's treated us to her Mini-Chocolate Chip Orange Scones with Chocolate Cream Cheese heavenly! Alicat's made sure we have something to drink, too...with Eva's Holiday Punch, sounds perfect for our happy you could be here!

I'm always happy to hear from my favorite German blogger, Ulrike, and her contributions to this month's party are most welcome! Tonight, somehow keeping them safe on her long flight, Ulrike's brought Salmon Profiteroles...and ladies, be sure to grab some fast, or Matt might just make off with the whole tray!
She's also adding to our selection of teas...I just hope she brought some decaf; I can see this party going on long into the night! Everything is wonderful, Ulrike; thank you!

I'm so happy to see Bea here again! For as many France-based readers I have, Bea's the only one comes to Blog Party...but she makes up for it with her wonderful dishes! This evening, Bea's coaxed an 'I want that!' from me with these Sauteed Gnocchi with Tarragon Tomato Sauce. Talk about finger-food perfection! Just wonderful, Bea, and thank you so much for being here tonight.

Our very next guest, and a first-timer here at Blog Party, it's Laura Rebecca...welcome! Laura Rebecca has made, rather appropriately, I think, Tea & Sympathy's Spicy Ginger Cake. Oh, my gosh; that looks sooo good! Another one we'll have to keep away from Matt (he's a ginger freak, I swear). And the Vanilla Cream Tea? Here's my cup!
Thank you so much for coming here tonight, Laura Rebecca, and I will definitely take part in your Retro Recipe Challenge: to go with January's Retro Party, I spent the whole month cooking retro recipes!!

Here's another Blog Party newbie, Nerd om of the fun-named Nerd Family; good to have you here! For tonight's party, Nerdmom's made a recipe from Pampered Chef (would you believe I have two girlfriends who sell PC?), Strawberry Amaretto Pastries. Mmm...puff pastry and strawberries? It doesn't get much better than that! Again, welcome, and enjoy the party!

Working our way around the table, it's Virtual Frolic, with the veddy British Sweet-Milk Scones with Traditional British Additions, as well as Little Nectarine Cakes and Lemon-Acai Zinger, VF; I don't know what to try first!
Everything looks great; thank you so much for coming!

Our next guest is Vineela, and I had to wipe a little drool from Matt's face when he got a look at her Sweet-n-Crispy-n-Tangy Pani Pooris! So many spices...they're going to go fast, Vineela, so I hope you brought plenty! Thank you for being here tonight, as always!

My one-time Blogging By Mail partner (is that ever going to happen again, btw?) , Jen, showed up with Ina's Fruity Summer Tea...can't wait to try that!...and these adorableMini Lemon Curd Cheesecakes; yum! Did you make that lemon curd, yourself??
It's all perfect for our Garden Party, glad you could be here!

Another Reluctant Housewife, Gabriella True is a first-time Blog Party-er, so let's give her a warm welcome!
But just because she's new to the game doesn't mean she's a novice; just take a look at those delectable Crab & Avocado Tea Sandwiches she's brought along! Even a non-meat eater like me knows a good thing when she sees it.
And Gabriella's Raspberry Lemonade is sure to hit the spot. Thank you so much for joining our little party!

Cameradawtor is our next guest, and you are going to love her Brownie Scones!! Wow...that's pretty decadent. Just the way we like it around here!
And her Lavender Mint Tea Punch is sure to be a hit. So good to have you here, Cameradawtor!

Haalo back, and as always she's brought along some rather gorgeous treats for us. Her Tuna Rice Paper Rolls have Matt hanging around the platter, and I'm more than a bit intrigued by those White Chocolate Tartlets with Persian Fairy Floss!
Haalo's also serving up a nice Pimm's Cocktail, for anyone who's interested, so get in line. Thank you so much for coming to another Blog Party, Haalo!

Running fashionably late tonight is Becky, but she makes us forget the time with her fresh Minted Pea Shooter! Yum...and they might just be the healthiest thing on the table tonight!
Thanks so much for being here, Becky! it's time for me to pass around a few trays, right?

How about these Smoked Salmon and Scallion and Turkey and Earl Grey Tea Butter Sandwiches It may not be cucumber and watercress, but I still think they're perfect for a Garden Party!

And be sure to try a martini glass of Pink Lemonade? Not too sweet, but very pretty...with a cherry in it, too!

For dessert? Polka-dot Fondat Cupcakes; white, almost-angel food-like cakes, topped with fondant. Very pretty, and lovely to eat. But I'm not looking forward to making them again! Too much rolling and kneading and...mess. But very tasty.

Ok; I think that's everyone, so it's time to dig in and enjoy all the wonderful treats you've brought. A big thank you to all my guests for another successful party! Be sure to chat with the others, and pick up any recipes you're interested in, and enjoy the rest of your evening.

Oh! Don't forget to come back next month; I'll announce our next theme 1 June, so be sure to check back then. And suggestions for future parties are still welcomed!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Tea + Garden Party + Sandwiches + Blogging

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