Blog Party#36: Blogger's Choice

Blog Party#36: Blogger's Choice

It's here! Blog Party's third anniversary!!!

Can you believe it? Our 36th seems like only yesterday we were prepping our first appetizers and shaking up the very first martinis!

But in fact, it's been three years. Three fantastic years of bite-sized foods and creative drinks.

This virtual cocktail party has caught on in exactly the way I'd hoped; a small but steady group of regulars, occasional new faces, good food and wonderful people. I couldn't have asked for better.

And as we turn 3, it's time to hand the reins over to you, the guest, one more time. You're the reason Blog Party is so much fun, so as we did for last year's anniversary, this party is about what you like. Your favorites.

The basic rules are the same: to attend, make/create an hors d'oeuvre AND a drink (it doesn't have to contain alcohol), and RSVP by sending your post (yes, it's even better if you write it up! with pictures and everything!) to me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.

Normally, the theme is announced on the first of the month, entries due the third Thursday. But this has not been a normal month (see the Chocolate Party round-up for details). So, I'm giving you an extra week to whip up your little have until Thursday, 24 July to get those entries in. The party will be that Saturday, the 26rh; help us celebrate the best-loved social gathering on the Web!!

It's Blogger's Choice...hope to see you there!!

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Get all the details here.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Blogger's Choice + Blogging

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