Blog Party #3 Reminder---Big Game Night!

Blog Party #3 Reminder---Big Game Night!

Just a reminder... Blog Party is this Thursday! Time to serve up all those pre-game goodies.

As I write this, I'm listening to the Pittsburgh Steelers game (stupid Titans are on the television, so it's 'thank you, NFL Audio' for me); how appropriate! The family is looking forward to hearty, yet bite-sized treats.
I've picked out my recipes, and shopped for the ingredients. And I can't wait to see what you bring!

Send your Big Game Night entries to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com, or you can leave a link here in the comments. The deadline is Thursday (officially), but I think you know I'll accept submissions as late as noon Saturday. But no later, please! We're off to the the-ater Saturday night, so I hope to get the round-up put together before I leave. I hope.

For a refresher on what to 'bring', please check out the original post.

As always, I'll include decorating ideas, as well as music selections (this ought to be good), so I hope to see you at the Party!

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