Big straw hat, banana drink...

Big straw hat, banana drink...

And my, my, key lime pie

From the book Pies: 300 Tried-and-True Recipes for Delicious Homeade Pie.

I love lime, but I'm not too crazy about zesting and juicing so many little ones!

Joss's Stone Crab Key Lime Pie

Egg yolks and lime zest, beaten for five minutes. Add 2/3 cup of lime juice (tiny things, those Key took about twenty of them!) and a can of sweetened condensed milk. Mix. Pour into graham cracker crust (oh, sure; I got to cheat here, but as my father-in-law said, this was the easy part), chill at least two hours.

Top with one cup whipping cream mixed with a tablespoon of powdered sugar.

The custard is such a pale green, you almost can't differentiate between the two layers.

Woo-hoo! If you like lime, this is the pie for you. Intense flavor. Very good.

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