An Asian & Heart-Filled Hug For Barbara

An Asian & Heart-Filled Hug For Barbara

Poached Ginger-Lime Salmon on Kaffir Lime Rice

Dear Barbara;

I know your appetite has taken a vacation, and your stomach is playing games without telling you the rules. It's my hope this fragrant & fresh dish will entice your appetite to come back, and cause the belly to call a 'time-out'.

A 1/2 pound of skin-on salmon, marinated with 1/4 cup lime juice, a heaping tablespoon ginger/garlic paste, 2 teaspoons soy sauce, and a half teaspoon Chinese hot chili paste. Cook lightly, with marinade.

Serve on a bed of lime-infused rice; zest, juice and finely chopped Kaffir lime leaves for flavor.

I truly hope you enjoy it.

Alex wanted to do something to make you feel better, and this is his interpretation of what a hug would look like. If you click on the photo, you'll see pink & red hearts, in various sizes, as drawn by a 5 3/4 year old boy.

Never forget how special you are to so many of us; we're all hoping, wishing & praying for your full recovery.

Happy eating!


Stephanie, Matt & Alex

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