Bay Area Want Ads

Bay Area Want Ads

Vegan/Gluten-Free In Bay Area
My friend Tim sent me a note a while back asking if I knew of any Bay Area wholesalers for vegan and/or gluten-free pastries. He'd like to be able to offer them at Zocalo Coffeehouse in San Leandro. I don't know of any, but perhaps some of you do. Write me or write him if you have suggestions.

Maxis Is Hiring
Maybe this would be better on my programming blog, but OWF has more readers. Maxis is hiring various sorts of online folks to fill some recently vacated slots, and I'd love for you all to have the opportunity to work with one of the best video game studios around. (Note that Maxis is in Emeryville, despite being owned by Electronic Arts in Redwood Shores.)

Here are some of the skills we're looking for. Write me if you're interested:

- Post Slackage
I apologize for the slack in posting. I’m working a lot at my new job, which has not one but two looming deadlines. And Maxis has reawakened my videogame love, since the latest games are my office’s water cooler chatter. (In fact, if you’re...

- Not About Food: The Other Kind Of Java
On Tuesday, our company’s president came all the way from Chicago to pay us a surprise visit. Many of you are probably thinking the same thing we all did: Uh oh. And sure enough, headquarters is shutting down our office and laying all of us off...

- Eat, Drink, And Be Charitable
Nothing builds an appetite like giving to charity, don't you think? Fortunately, a couple of upcoming Bay Area events allow you to eat food, drink wine, and contribute to the community. My good friend Tim is very involved with San Leandro's Davis...

- Wine Blogs At The Wine Writers Symposium
Here's a talk I gave at the Wine Writers Symposium about blogs and wine writing. This isn't a transcript but an idealized form of a presentation that's fresh in my mind. I wrote it as I intended to speak it—maybe I should have formatted...

- The Rebirth Of Zocalo
Photo by melissa nicole. My dear friend Tim Holmes recently reopened Zocalo Coffeehouse in San Leandro after a four-month renovation (see my description of the original here). The results (according to Melissa, who went to the reopening festivities)...

