And the Answer is?

And the Answer is?

So, in answer to the 'guess what we made' post a few days ago, when I showed you those two photos? First, here's a list of ingredients.

From top left to right: Ancho chilies, Guajillo chilies, corn tortillas, bread, tomatillos, onion, tomato.

Back row: vegetable bouillon cubes, Mexican chocolate, fresh bay leaves, piloncillo (unrefined sugar)
Third row: avocado pit, cinnamon stick
Second row: pumpkin seeds, Spanish peanuts, avocado leaf, sesame seeds
First row: almonds, raisins, dried thyme, cloves, black peppercorns

Missing from photo: lots of garlic!

Much frying and cooking and mixing and pureeing, and what do you get?

Mole Teloloapense, or Red Mole.

The recipe comes from Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen. It's a bit of a project, but oh my...the results are worth it!

Deep, dark, spicy, slightly sweet...just packed with flavor. Goes well with chicken (or fake chicken, as seen above), turkey, pork chops, or even tuna steaks. It freezes well, so you can make a batch, enjoy it now, and still have some for...oh, two months later.

If you're at all interested in the recipe, let me know. As I said, it's a bit of work, but you'll love the finished product! Just be prepared for a seriously messy kitchen.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Ingredients + Cooking + Mexican + Chilies + Spices + Chicken + Sauces

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