And for a light dessert...

And for a light dessert...

Mint Granita!

During the 'clean out the fridge before all the new stuff shows up' jag last week, I realized we had an awful lot of mint kicking around.

So, I looked around the web, and found a recipe at Food and Wine's web site for a mint granita, and decided to give it a try.

Boil 2 cups of water, a cup of chopped, fresh mint, and a half cup of sugar, stirring until sugar dissolved. Once it boils, allow to simmer for three minutes. Add 2 Tbl. fresh lemon juice. Strain through a fine mesh sieve, pushing on the leaves. Cool, and pour into a shallow, metal dish, and put into the freezer. Rake with a fork every thirty minutes, 2 1/2 to 3 hours, until slushy.


After years of knowing mint in the form of mint flavoring, I am so totally loving fresh mint (trust me, no one in my family used fresh mint while I was growing up). The granita had a flavor similar to the Moroccan tea we made a couple of weeks ago; it wasn't strong, but (as Matt put it) it whole mouth was minty. I could taste it, feel it, long after the ice had melted.

Another easy, but lovely, recipe.

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