Lightbulb Moment

Lightbulb Moment

what happened, but this is only my second ice cream of the summer.

Totally worth the wait, this one. Serious Eats' The Best Mint Chip Ice Cream.

Easy enough - steep fresh mint in a cream/milk mixture, strain into eggs and sugar, cook. Strain, chill, let your machine do its thing.

Then melted dark chocolate (with a bit of oil) is drizzled in.
The problem I faced: while I adore my ice cream maker, the 'add extras here' chute is not exactly shaped for drizzling. And certainly not for melted chocolate.

Hence the cartoon "A-Ha!" moment: pour the chocolate into a disposable pastry bag and snip the tiniest bit off the end. The bag, being all soft and smooshy (totally a word) conforms to the space and size of the chute, an incredibly fine drizzle of chocolate - that I could control! - is added to the ice cream resulting in that amazing, shattered Magic Shell-like texture.

While not perfect (the tip solidified twice), this is a technique I'll be using again.

Oh, yeah.

The ice cream?

Pretty incredible.

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