

Inspired by Sam—and feeling the urge to procrastinate on a few other writing projects—I have finally written an about page. This way you can learn more about me and Melissa, and I can tell PR folks my review policy.

- Wine And Roommates
Some of you veteran OWF readers may dimly remember that I write for other publications. Some of you may also remember that I occasionally write for this one. Ha ha. Yesterday, my article about managing roommates and wine tastes appeared in the San Francisco...

- Go To Jojo
Over the years, I have urged my Bay Area readers to go to Jojo in Oakland. Sometimes I’ve done so overtly, but I have always kept a link to it on the right side of this blog. Melissa and I have many happy memories tied to the restaurant and its...

- Not About Food: Rent To Own
Melissa and I have bought our first house. It’s a simple sentence — compound subject, transitive verb and direct object — but I still have a hard time writing it. I'm not sure I fully believe it. Those of you who have heard the...

- Mark Morford On The Baconator Ads
In Mark Morford’s latest opinion column for the San Francisco Chronicle, he rants about the new Wendy’s ads — and our culture of gluttony — in his typical stream-of-consciousness style. I guess everyone’s writing about food...

- Big Kitchens In Small Packages
The PR folks at This Old House sent me a note about this photo gallery of decked-out small kitchens. I always like to look at kitchens—on the theory that one day I'll get to remodel my own—and this little gallery offers 13 looks at diminutive...

