Big Kitchens in Small Packages

Big Kitchens in Small Packages

The PR folks at This Old House sent me a note about this photo gallery of decked-out small kitchens. I always like to look at kitchens—on the theory that one day I'll get to remodel my own—and this little gallery offers 13 looks at diminutive kitchens that use space efficiently.

- My Visit To General Mills
Last week General Mills invited around 50 bloggers to come visit their corporate headquarters. I was a little wary. After all, I'm not a big consumer of packaged foods, but the lure of seeing the test kitchens and photo studio proved incentive enough,...

- City Beer
Hey, San Franciscans. Like beer? Then head down to The City Beer Shop on Folsom. I had never heard of it, but I stopped by to buy some bottles for an upcoming Chronicle article. The young and knowledgeable owner, Craig, has packed his small space with...

- About
Inspired by Sam—and feeling the urge to procrastinate on a few other writing projects—I have finally written an about page. This way you can learn more about me and Melissa, and I can tell PR folks my review policy....

- Around The Web
Melissa and I were away for the long weekend, and we find ourselves catching up with a few interesting pieces. Dan Barber wrote an in-depth op-ed piece for the New York Times that articulates many of the problems with our current agricultural system....

- Food Events At Cody's
Upcoming food book events at Cody's bookstore in Berkeley. Friday, November 1     JUDY RODGERS talks about THE ZUNI CAFÉ COOKBOOK. Subtitled “A Compendium of Recipes and Cooking Lessons from San Francisco’s Beloved...

