A Taste of Chile

A Taste of Chile

And for my next trick:

Garlic Soup and Empanadas!

I have to be honest. I'm having a blast working through all these new recipes.

Continuing in the Sundays at Moosewood...

This meal was postponed when I discovered it called for veggie stock, and I had none at hand. So, after a round of shopping runs, stock was made.

Potatoes, sweet potato, carrots, celery, radishes, onions, scallions, snow peas, red bell pepper, garlic, dried shitake mushrooms, fresh basil and dill. Nice broth.

On to the empanadas.

Matt boiled and mashed some potatoes for me. I came in and sauteed some green peppers and onions, then added some corn.

Add the sauteed veggies to the potatoes, then sharp cheddar and cream cheese, as well as chopped pimentos, and mix it all up.

Nice, flaky dough, and fry them up.

Here's the finished product

For the soup, rub garlic over a piece of good, crusty bread, and fry it up with a little olive oil until golden.
Place the bread (or as Matt called it, a glorified crouton) in a shallow bowl, add some chopped basil, and ladle soup over.

This was a tasty, and satisfying, meal.

The soup had a good flavor...rich, but not heavy. The bread/crouton could have had more flavor, but that was more my fault than the recipe's.
And the empanadas?

The filling was creamy and spicy, and oh-so good. The dough fried up nicely...crispy, and a nice balance to the spiciness of the filling. I will definitely make these again!

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