2007's Left-Overs

2007's Left-Overs

And again, this is what happens when you upload photos, but don't bother to write up a post immediately.

You completely forget what the heck you made!

Matt wanted a Nicoise/Pan Bagnat kind of sandwich, liking tuna and the accompanying flavors. Unfortunately, this was quite what he'd hoped for.

See? I post failures as well as successes. Truth in blogging.

And while I'm at, here's the rest of the my un-posted photos from last year. I either got too busy, forgot about them, or didn't think it worthy of a post. But this is the time to clear out the old and start on the new, so...

This is an Italian Wedding Soup, the recipe served at our wedding. We're not Italian, and our wedding was Celtic-themed, but I'm more than a little fond of this stuff.

It was just such a pretty green!

And even better, a vegetarian version can be made using soy-based 'meatballs' and vegetable stock.

I was working through a vegetarian cookbook mid-way through last year, and made this.

Baked Lentils & Eggs

It was fine, if a bit dry. I just wasn't that impressed with the photo, I guess.

The computer lives on the second floor of our house, what we refer to as 'the guest suite'. It's a mess at the moment, as we've been doing some work, and much 'stuff' has been shoved here and there. But that doesn't stop the dogs from following 'mommy' up there.

She is a bit of a princess, that Donegal.

Doolin's back.

These are pictures of Alex, taken right before he was off to school one morning. I think I may have resisted posting them because you can see how dusty my floors and steps are!

Matt & I are usually too busy to make an actual Thanksgiving meal, and no one in our house eats turkey, anyway. But his parents did have us over , and I got took some poorly-lit shots of the food. Stuffing, Cornish game hens (for the carnivores), mashed potatoes and a butternut squash soup.

After making that spirit-breaking cake from Martha, I was left with lots of gingerbread cookie dough. So, Alex and I got to decorating.

And finally, a few tea-time offerings, from one of our tea parties.

This was a beet and jicama salad. Didn't work as well as I'd hoped, but it was pretty.

And that's it. All new stuff from here on.

Now, if I could only get the rest of my house in such good shape!

And don't forget! The guest list for Blog Party#30 is filling up now, and this month we're going Veggie-Friendly. For January, create meat-free appetizers, pair them with an appropriate drink, and join the party!
Entries will be accepted through 17 January (early is always good), and I hope to see you there!

But wait...there's more!

Sign-ups for Blogging by Mail: Little Things Mean a Lot are going on now!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Photos + Tea Party + Family + Holidays + Pets + Dogs + Kids + Soup Vegetarian + Sandwiches + Cookies

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