
Check out Gastronomie's oh-so-cutting-edge meal at WD-40 WD-50 . If you haven't had a meal that qualifies as "molecular gastronomy" reading this post is the next best thing.

Guess what's still languishing in my fridge? Rutabagas and leeks. So the soup made over at Albion Cooks was just the inspiration I needed. Those parsnip pancakes look pretty luscious too.

Finally if you are dying for more details of the opening of Trader Joe's in New York, Apartment Therapy: The Kitchen reports back and even took photos.


- After Dark:gastronomy
Photo credit: ©Intellectual Ventures/Modernist Cuisine Are you curious about the modern techniques and ingredients often lumped under the controversial term "molecular gastronomy?" While I never ate at El Bulli or Alinea, and I don't have copies...

Sometimes reading a blog is like making a friend. You get to know them better every time you hang out together. And so it is with This Little Piglet. From reading Lia's blog I know she works for the Food Network and that she's eaten at some...

Here are three posts that caught my attention this week. They are written by that rare species, the male food blogger. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did. First off at Jamfaced, a British blogger blogs about a crusade, a call to arms, what...

- Do Rutabagas Exist?
This is my box of organic produce, delivered today. It contains satsumas, Nantes carrots, yellow onions, red onions, spinach, rutabagas, Meyer lemons, Gold Blush apples, kiwis, lettuce, kale and leeks. Around 10 pounds of produce, maybe a bit more. ...

Now that the holidays are FINALLY over, it's interesting to see what is inspiring food bloggers in the kitchen. First off Heidi at 101 Cookbooks found inspiration in an old cookbook handed down from grandmother to mother to daughter. Check out...

