
Funny posts always win me over. If you feel the same, read the ranch dressing post over at I'm Mad and I Eat.

If you haven't discovered Ryan Tate's blog Covers, head over there now. He writes about the business of restaurants and is always coming up with interesting news and insights. This week he even posted something that may surprise you about Hidden Valley Ranch...

I'd say "ranch" was the theme this week, but really it's not. Instead if you need an antidote to all that "ranchiness" consider Chez Pim's recipe for tomato confit: oven-dried tomato in olive oil. It's a nice way to hang on to the flavor of Summer (too bad the tomatoes weren't grown on a ranch!)

Finally if you are debating whether or not to head down the Ferry Building today, one very good reason to go is that Madhur Jaffrey, one of the best Indian food writers around, will be speaking at Book Passages at 2:00 pm. Not only do I rely on her cookbooks, but I have just begun reading her new food inspired memoir Climbing the Mango Trees: A memoir of a childhood in India, and am really enjoying it.


- A Virtual Hug From Hawaii
Hawaii is such a peaceful and relaxing place to be, I wish I could send the delicious breezes, soft air and the sound of the waves to everyone reading this post. But most of all, I wish I could send the gift of health to Barbara of the blog Winos and...

- Dining With The Bloggers - September 7th
I can't believe how fast the summer went! There is still some warm weather yet to be enjoyed and the abundant September produce to look forward to, but there are signs everywhere that autumn is on the way. The kids are back in school, the lawn is...

- Mmm...burnedmeat Flavor
We have a new Asian grocer in town; one that is very much like a 99 Ranch Market...something we've missed rather terribly since leaving California. Well, it's like a 99 Ranch, except it's clean. And organized. And has less of that overwhelming...

- A Trip To The Ranch
99 Ranch Market, that is. One of our favorite places to shop while living in California was a fantastic store called 99 Ranch Market. What an amazing place! A full-sized market, but the spin was...all the products were Asian! Korean, Japanese, Chinese,...

- What's Your Beef?
La Cense steak Photo by Melissa Schneider. How does a grass-fed cow's diet change the taste of the beef? Montana's La Cense offered to send me beef samples so that I could learn about grass-fed meat. I've already boarded that train, but...

