A Virtual Hug from Hawaii

A Virtual Hug from Hawaii

a virtual hug

Hawaii is such a peaceful and relaxing place to be, I wish I could send the delicious breezes, soft air and the sound of the waves to everyone reading this post. But most of all, I wish I could send the gift of health to Barbara of the blog Winos and Foodies. Barbara is battling cancer and food bloggers around the world are sending her their best wishes, prayers, and tantalizing recipes to cheer her on and speed her recovery.

Because I am away from home, coming up with a new recipe would be a challenge, so I am sending a collection of links to past recipes that are fresh, healthy and Asian inspired:

Tofu & Celery Salad

Asian Slaw Dressing

Vietnamese Summer Rolls

Shrimp & Mango Kebabs

To see more posts dedicated to Barbara, head to Bron Marshall's blog. A big thanks to Bron and Ilva of Lucullian Delights for organizing this effort.

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