Zagat Survey

Zagat Survey

The best thing about the Zagat Survey is how tremendously convenient it is. While an online subscription may give you access to all the guides, having the actual book also has its merits. It's a great thing to throw in the glove compartment or keep on your desk so you can quickly browse for a place to eat. It may not be the ultimate guide to finding undiscovered great little restaurants, and while I don't always agree with the ratings, or even trust the pricing information, I have to concede it is a very good measure of popular opinion.

If you would like a free copy of the Zagat Survey 2006 San Francisco Bay Area Restaurants, all you have to do is participate in their online survey by April 17th 2005 (but do it now before you forget). When the guide is published, the folks at Zagat will send you a copy. If you say something witty they might even publish your comments.

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