Last Chance!

Last Chance!

Today is the last day to take the Cooking with Amy Survey. If you haven't taken it yet, it's just a short online survey that was put together so I can get a better sense of who is visiting and how I might improve Cooking with Amy.

Just to be perfectly clear, I have no plans to accept advertising, the survey is only to help me to improve the site and better understand what you are looking for when you visit. I'm not interested in making money from the site, just in making it better.

If you take the survey, you will also have the opportunity to join a panel of food experts. From time to time Cooking with Amy will be conducting surveys and soliciting your opinions about food and beverages, products and services that might be of interest to you. In return for your participation, I will occasionally be offering incentives such as products to try, gift certificates or cookbooks.

Thanks to everyone who took the survey! I really appreciate it.


- Zagat Survey
It's that time again. If you register with Zagat, then rate three or more San Francisco restaurants, you will receive a free copy of their popular guidebook. The survey has been streamlined this year and it's much easier to fill out. This year...

- Zagat Survey
The best thing about the Zagat Survey is how tremendously convenient it is. While an online subscription may give you access to all the guides, having the actual book also has its merits. It's a great thing to throw in the glove compartment or keep...

- Remember That Survey? Here Are The Results
Back in September, I asked you to participate in a survey to help me better understand my readers. I had 135 responses, which I estimated to be 2.7 percent of my readership at the time. (My readership is a larger number than my daily visitor count, because...

- Owf Survey: Just A Few More Days!
I’ll pull the OWF 5-Year Anniversary Reader Survey on Friday night, Pacific time. If you haven’t filled it out yet, please take a moment to do so; you’ll help me make OWF a better site for all of you....

- Obsession's 5th
Take the OWF 5-year Anniversary Reader Survey Five years ago today the word blog had barely escaped the jargon of the tech savvy. Most examples were technical discussions or chatty online journals. Only a few focused exclusively on food. Julie Powell...

