

Some of you may remember the interview I did with Paul Frolich of Yum a few months back, my full review of his market is now a "foodie" column on SF Station

I will be back home on Thursday and look forward to sharing many of my culinary adventures with you all very soon!



- Wednesday Linkage
* Over at Epicurious you'll find links to my posts about culinary conquests, my favorite foodie newsletters and specialized recipe search engines. * If you enjoyed my Fennel Shrimp recipe, you might want to check out the Tasty Pernod Recipes post...

- The Candy Shop: Shopping
Take a trip to candyland this weekend. An adorable little candy shop has opened up in my neighborhood called The Candy Store and it's got something for everybody. There are lots of retro classics like Zotz, Pixie Stix and candy buttons but also hard...

- What A Day!
My interview? No other than Jacques Pepin! KQED ever so kindly arranged for me to meet and interview him. Much better pictures and lots of details soon. That's me with a stack of books for him to sign. Breakfast by the way, was terrific, I definitely...

- San Francisco Museum Cafes
Today SF Station runs two new pieces that I have written. One is a round-up of San Francisco museum cafes, the other is a trend piece on that formidable beverage, Guinness . Last week they ran the review I originally published here on the French Laundry,...

- Sf Station
I am very pleased to announce that I have just begun writing for SF Station. SF Station has been bookmarked on my computer since it launched. It's a great site for finding out what's going on in the City, and also offers the giveaway where you...

