WWWBW - Spanish red

WWWBW - Spanish red

I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna start being serious about drinking wine! Oh the horror! :-)

No, what I meant to say was, lately, a lot of people - okay, maybe just boss-man who thinks we have to make a wine-geek out of me - have been insisting I should try and do something more out of the wine I drink than just, well... drinking it. And with this World Wide Wine Blogging Wednesday - this time hosted by Alder at Vinography - being all the craze around the blogs, I thought, what the heck, I'll do it! I'll buy one, I'll try describing it - heck, I might even snap a photo! Who knows, BF might even join! And have fun, too!

- Food And Wine Pairing
Wine goes with food. I know this sounds obvious, but not that long ago I got into a disagreement with a wine blogger about this very subject. Her point was that not all wine needs to be paired with food, some people enjoy wine without food. Well not...

- Wwwbw - New World Merlot
the winner - Reynolds Vineyard 2001 Merlot Today is World Wide Wine Blogging Wednesday – at least for the next 37 minutes. This is Lenn of LennDevours idea – another communal blogging event modeled after Alberto’s IMBB. The theme for this first...

- Happenings
Food Blogger land is hopping… IMBB7 has been announced.  Jarrett (aka redbeard) of Life in Flow and Food Porn Watch will be hosting and the theme is “You’re Just the Cutest Little Dumpling!”  The date is August 22nd.  Check...

- Sex And The Simple Red Wine
Melissa and I have been working through the Sex and the City DVDs. I like the show, but something about it irks my inner wine geek. Whenever one of the four main women orders a cocktail, she goes into specifics: "Get me a Cosmopolitan" or "This is a...

- Wine Note # 1
My boss at one of the restaurants I work at - and have been working at for quite some time now - convinced me that we have to make a wine geek out of me... Hence the formal title of the entry. Well, that and the fact that WWWBW is closing in on me, I...

