Wartime Wednesdays: Baked Eggs in Bacon

Wartime Wednesdays: Baked Eggs in Bacon

Eggs Are Valuable Food
Eggs are valuable sources of proteins, iron, vitamins A, B & D; use them freely as long as their cost is reasonable. Only the usual seasonal fluctuations in price are expected but if larege amounts are fried and shipped abroad they may become too expensive to use freely except as entrees, pages 360-375. In butter cake recipes, pages 451-501, requiring several eggs, the number can be reduced to 2 and 1/2 teaspoon baking powder added for each egg omitted. Two leftover egg whites or yolks may replace a whole egg in most recipes. A meringue made with 2 egg whites and 3 tablespoons water will have about the same volume as a meringue made with 3 egg whites.---The Victory Binding of the American Woman's Cook Book, Wartime Edition, 1943

This was pretty incredible, and so very easy to make. Slices of bacon are curled inside muffin cups. Into this, carefully crack an egg. Season with salt and pepper, bake till set (or as done as you like your eggs).

I discovered this also worked really well with faux, or veggie, bacon, too.

Alex got his on a Justice League plate...what a wonderful recipe this was. For future reference, I would pre-bake the bacon a bit first. Let it get a bit crisper, remove and cool the pan, add the egg, and continue. (this is for real bacon; it worked just fine for the veg stuff)

Either way, the entire family gave mumbled approvals for this one.

We're kicking off our fourth year of Blog Party by taking a look back at some of our favorite first-year themes. This month, we're revisiting a BP favorite, Retro Party!

We're doing a bit of time-travel, and bringing back some of the weird and wonderful dishes & drinks from the 20's through the late sixties. You won't want to miss it! R.S.V.P. no later than next Thursday, 21 August. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Wartime Wednesday + Eggs + Bacon + Breakfast + Toast + Cookbooks + Retro

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