Warming up for winter...

Warming up for winter...

I'm not being lazy here. Well, I guess you could say that blog-wise, I sure am. But. There's a lot of reading for an exam coming up on and I'm afraid this baby here is the easiest to neglect, although I'm having severe withdrawel symptoms...

Hopefully I'll find the time to post about all of the cookies I did for this Christmas, but if not, here's a:


I admit it, I'm a Food Network addict. So I was very amused by the Armchair Cook's version of The Twelve Days of Christmas. You think you made a lot treats this holiday season? I bet you didn't make as many as Culinary in the Desert! Check...

- Mondays Without Maida
I'm headed out of town tomorrow morning... I'm making a brief stop in New York (and will get to meet Nupur!!) and from there it's on to Vermont with Bob and Chuck (yay!). I'll be back here on the 19th with the next installment of Mondays...

- Merry Christmas!
Last week, our favorite grocery store, Earth Fare, held a Christmas party for the kids. In a community room off the cafe seating, about a dozen and a half kids, as well as their respective parents, we were served lunch (hot dogs, veggie dogs, and Brats,...

- While Visions Of Food Prep Danced In Their Heads
I have to confess: I haven't been all that excited by Christmas the past few years. I think it has a lot to do with being so far away from my family and the traditions I grew up with. But now that Alex is getting a bit older, the house is much further...

- A Christmas Present For Someone...
In real life, I'm not at all well-planned with regards to Christmas presents. I usually buy my last Christmas presents on the 23rd - and the first somewhere around the 22nd. But this one was going places, so I had to get it done early. And today,...

