Too Much Being, Too Little Blogging

Too Much Being, Too Little Blogging

I just read Nicky and Oliver's eloquently written post about their tour to Lisbon. And Sam's telling all about her and Fred's trip to New York. And got a sudden hit of black conscience. Asj. Me - I'm just... behind on the whole telling-about-travelling. Trust me, there's been food. There's been great company. And there's been - a whole lotta miles, landscapes and lovely hours spend with my man. I might tell you all about it, soon. (Remember Farmgirl's definition of soon? Something like that.) Or I might just return to straight, ordinary food blogging - not so soon, but I will. I miss it. But I'm not dead - just thought you'd might like to know...:-)

When you go away you miss a lot of stuff. When you get home you notice little things and wonder, when did that happen? Barely a year ago the redesigned Cooking with Amy launched. Now I look around and see lots of wonderful redesigned food blogs and...

- Hasta La Vista
Here I go! It's vacation time again. This trip takes me to Mexico. I'll be in the Yucatan for three glorious weeks, a place known for warm weather, beautiful beaches, archeological ruins, Maya culture, seafood and relaxation. It may also be...

- Farewell Phil
It was bittersweet day in my office. Phil, who you've come to know a little through his Monday cookie reviews, has moved on to bigger and better things - retirement! He has many interests outside of work, so I know he will put his new-found spare...

- What I've Been Up To...
Not much cooking happening 'round here lately... What I have been doing is starting my first weaving project in over six years. Weaving is a hobby I took up about ten years ago after visiting New Mexico. It seemed that weaving shops and weaving demos...

- Getting Ready For The Big (ben) Day: Super Bowl Munchies
I haven't really talked about how freakin' excited I am about my Pittsburgh Steelers playing in this Sunday's Super Bowl. And yes; I can call them 'my' Steelers. I've been a fan my entire life. I grew up about 150 miles North-East...

