Toasted, with Cream Cheese, please...

Toasted, with Cream Cheese, please...

Not long ago, I saw that Moira, of Who Wants Seconds?, posted a bagel recipe.

They looked so good, I had to try them for myself.

I highly recommend these bagels. The recipe is easy, with very little time involved. And the results are worth it. Extremely next batch? I'm adding Asiago cheese!

- Dining With The Bloggers - September 28th
My first impression of Brownie Points was that it was a smart blog with a great look. Well, no wonder... Jocelyn (aka McAuliflower) is a scientist/artist from Eugene, Oregon, and it is apparent that she brings the sensibilities of both her callings to...

- Dining With The Bloggers - May 25th
French. This is the theme I've been biting my nails over. I know nothing about French cuisine and would be hard pressed to describe it. What exactly qualifies as "French"? True to form I put off finding a recipe until the last moment, at which time...

- Bubbly Goodness
Sorry for the brevity; we've been busy. Same old excuse. And things aren't likely to slow down for some time. Oh! And now, we're all getting sick. Heaps of fun around here, let me tell you. So; it's really hot outside, one of our air...

- Twenty Hugs Can't Be Wrong!
Moira, of Who Wants Seconds?, has posted the list of entries in the 'Comfort Me" contest...can you believe there are twenty of them? My entry is exactly half-way down the round-up. All worthy of your time, I assure, recipes!...

- Dining With Three Bloggers - September 27th.
My apologies. It was my sincerest intention to do a DwB post at least every other week. Then what happened? Well, the boss left on paternity leave and left me with a whole lotta work, hence, no post last week. Yup, always blame it on work. So even though...

