Tim Tam Time

Tim Tam Time

It's a happy time.

Through the generosity of my overseas friends, and the magic that is Blogging by Mail, I and many other food bloggers have discovered the joy that is Tim Tams.

The downside to that discovery, however, was found when the last chocolate-covered cookie was eaten, and all was left was a rather sad reminder of good things, in the form of a plastic carton. That was it. They were gone, and the only way to replenish was via a long-distance care package.

But now? Oh, happy days are here again. Because Pepperidge Farm is now selling Tim Tams, and they can be found at Target!!!

Seriously. They have them. I received an email from a PR person, letting me know. And would I like a sample to tide me over??


I wrote to Matt, letting him know. He was heading to Target that day, anyway, and grabbed a box.

They are exactly the same. Same lovely crunchy base, creamy chocolate filling, chocolate wrapping. Wonderful.

Matt ran into the mother of one of Alex's friends that same day. They moved here, a couple of years ago, from Australia. He mentioned this seemingly sudden development, and apparently, she practically cried with happiness.

For those who already love Tim Tams, go forth and buy! Target rocks anyway, but this just makes them dearer to me.

If you've yet to try them, go. Do. You won't regret it. And do it fast; looks like they're only available through March.

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