This Week at the Market

This Week at the Market

I went to the farmers market again today.  Peaches, tomatoes and cucumbers were still plentiful and a few heirloom tomato varieties showed up this week.  I bought two beautiful tomatoes:  one Purple Cherokee and one Brandywine.  I also got some yellow cherry tomatoes – not sure what kind (I don’t think they’re Sungold).
For the very first time, I bought cheese at the farmers market – Spring Cheese from Keswick Creamery.  It’s supposed to be a Jack-like cheese with a hint of garlic.
I feel like Mary Poppins when I unpack my bag.  It’s amazing how much fits in there.  Besides the tomatoes and cheese, I bought Red Garnet peaches, Swiss Chard, Kirby cucumbers, French Fillet green beans, garlic, corn, and baby sunburst squash.  No matter how carefully I pack the bag though, there are always a few casualties.  My Brandywine tomato was injured, one peach was completely smooshed, and several other peaches were bruised.  Do you think I should bring bubble wrap next time?  ;)

- Cherry Tomato Pizza Recipe
It's hard to say no to cheese. Since I never tasted Parrano cheese I was more than happy to accept a sample to try.  Apparently it has been around since the 1970's but I can't recall ever seeing it at the market. It's a semi-firm...

- Anticipation
Guess where I’m going next April?  Actually, our dates aren’t firmed up yet, but the plan is that Bob, Chuck and I will be going to Sicily next spring.  Bob and Chuck, knowing that I love the anticipation of a trip almost as much as...

- In A Pickle
I bought too many cucumbers last week.  They were so beautiful and there was such a good deal if you bought three pounds.  So I bought three pounds and managed to lug them home, but didn’t quite get around to eating them all.  ...

- Growing To Like Rhubarb
Rhubarb conserve   When I was little, we had a rhubarb plant in our yard and my Mom would frequently prepare some sort of rhubarb sauce or compote.  It was the only dessert I didn’t like and it seemed unfair to me at the time that rhubarb...

- Upcoming Heritage Foods Dinner At Chez Panisse
For Bay Areans: Chez Panisse will be hosting a Heritage Foods dinner on September 21. Though Max has pointed out the irony of shipping food across the country to a restaurant that gives lip service to local ingredients, the equivalent meal in June was...

