There she goes

There she goes

I'm going on vacation and I'm not going to post anything until I get back. I know, it's shocking, not to mention a first in three years of blogging. I do hope you'll forgive me. I'll be back June 20th and will have lots to share then.

In the meantime please feel free to peruse the archives, you never know what you'll find, or try a recipe in the Get Cooking! section. Every Monday there will be a new post from me over at the Dannon Kitchen. If the withdrawal gets to be too much, check out a selection of my daily food bog reads here (please note, this list is not by any means comprehensive of all the food blogs I read and is in no particular order).

Over at the Dannon Kitchen is my take on Turkish Comfort Food and one of my favorite recipes for a creamy Turkish chicken rice soup.


- Off To Southeast Asia!
I'm going to Vietnam with a side trip to Cambodia. I will be gone for an entire month. I know there will be lots to write about and assuming all goes well I plan to share the details of my trip from the road, so stay tuned. It may take me a few...

- A La Turca: Restaurant Review
Having a Turkish sister has many advantages. I can't imagine visiting Turkey, a country with breathtaking ancient ruins, sparkling coastlines and exciting cities without her. She is also my guide to all things Turkish in this country, including food....

Three posts of the week and a couple extras from the photo department. From YogurtLand a post about a Turkish speciality, lahmacun, that makes me nostalgic for Turkey and my dear Turkish sister, I miss her so much! I had no idea you could make lahmacun...

- Happy Birthday To Me!
My blog and I share a birthday this week. Cooking with Amy is three years old. Woo hoo! And Amy is well, let's just say she's a little older and wiser. I'll return to blogging on Wednesday. READ MORE Over at the Dannon Kitchen is my final...

- Meet The Editor/lemon Sugar Biscuits
As of today, I can talk about it. Which is lucky because I am not good at keeping secrets! I am the second guest host/editor at the Dannon Kitchen. I follow in the footsteps of Sara Kate Gillingham-Ryan (editor of the blog Apartment Therapy: The Kitchen)...

