The Waddling Puffball

The Waddling Puffball

Because unbearable cuteness can brighten anyone's day, here are pictures of our new (seven-week old) pup, Doolin.

Above? Good for showing just how tiny he is...

We were told Doolin is a Border Collie mix. Mixed with what? Badger? Bear? Wombat?? You should see the little guy charge!

I'm such a sucker for animals with black faces and black eyes.

He's so round, and his legs so short, there are time when getting up or rolling over take extra time. Which is adorable.

To our immense surprise, Wicklow has been pretty cool about having a new pup. The first night we had Doolin, I found the two of them sleeping on the floor under the dining table.

Donegal, on the other hand, is most unhappy. She won't even come near me if Doolin's around. She'll occasionally sniff him from behind, but if he turns and looks at her? She jumps, as if startled, and runs off.


But Doolin is an amazing little pup. We know Border Collie's are smart, and as much as I hate to say it, he's already smarter than Donegal and Wicklow put together! Housetraining is going well. And as we no longer live in mostly-carpeted apartment (seriously; who carpets a bathroom?? Oh, yes...our old apartment did.), clean-up of accidents is a lot easier.

So, enjoy Doolin's cuteness as you work through your Tuesday.

Blog Party, Vegas, Baby! is this weekend! This month, we're all about giving in and indulging; eating and drinking our favorite things. It's a once-a-year chance to really live it up, so make sure you get your appetizer and drink posts to me soon. Early is appreciated, but as long as you get them to me (via the comment section here, or via email at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com) by noon (US Eastern) this Saturday, it's all good. Hope to see you at the party!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Puppies, Blog Party, Vegas, Blogging

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