The Rest of the Feast

The Rest of the Feast

Well, everyone knows about the turkey at our Thanksgiving dinner, but people wanted to know all the other dishes, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention everyone who contributed; I did not do the entire dinner myself.

When we sent out the invites, we told people they could offer to bring some special dish, get assigned a random dish, or just help in the kitchen. Virtually everyone brought something; it was amazing. This of course meant we had too much food, but is there really such a thing at Thanksgiving?

So here's the full menu.


Main course (other than the turkey)
Mitch had come up with the idea of getting some cheeses, and I was going to swing by the Cheese Board on Wednesday, but Fate relieved me of that errand. We went to a cheese tasting event earlier that week (which eventually I'll write up), and as part of that event we each got to take home about 3 pounds of cheese. Voilà! A cheese course!

To go with the cheese, I made sourdough bread, the two loaves pictured at the top of this entry in fact. Always a harsh critic of my own food, I nonetheless can accept that those are some pretty nice-looking loaves.

Dessert Wines
I can't even begin to tabulate all the wines. I certainly didn't write any of them down. I brought two bottles of a rosé champagne that came highly reccommended (I agree with the champagne and turkey pairing, by the way). Brett brought an Oregon Riesling, which was the first time I smelled petrol in a Riesling, a standard flavor note, oddly, for quality expressions of the grape. My mom and Joel brought a number of French wines. Joanne brought a great Zinfandel, and one other one that escapes me, and the list goes on and on.

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