The Cookbook Exchange

The Cookbook Exchange


I'm a cookbook junkie and I'll bet many of you are too. Books are probably my number one impulse buy, and more often than not they're cookbooks. I love going through a new cookbook from cover to cover for the first time. Problem is, once the honeymoon is over and I start looking for recipes that I'm really going to make, some of those gorgeous-to-look-at-but-take-all-day-to-make recipes start to lose some of their appeal.

Santos recently came up with the brilliant idea of starting a blog that would serve as a trading post for cookbook lovers who are looking to swap their under-loved cookbooks. In addition, The Cookbook Exchange will host cookbook reviews. If you're interested in posting a book you'd like to swap or a cookbook review, email a request and you'll be made a contributor lickety split.

- The Joy Of Writing A Great Cookbook: Interview With Kimberly Yorio
If you want to be a food writer, I highly recommend that you read Will Write for Food by Dianne Jacob, but if writing a cookbook is your goal, you’ll also want to check out The Joy of Writing a Great Cookbook by Kimberly Yoirio. This no nonsense book...

- Author Event Today
One of my absolute favorite food blogs is Heidi Swanson's 101 Cookbooks. Heidi is a talented writer, designer, photographer, cook and cookbook author in addition to being a very sweet person. Her blog is an exploration of recipes from her vast cookbook...

- No Clean Up Cook Book
So I have this idea for a cookbook. There is a gimmick because if you look on any cookbook shelf you will quickly discover, the "great" cookbooks have all been written. Now it's all about Toast, or Duck or Blender recipes. Honestly, I kid you not,...

- Calling All Cooks!
About a year ago, I found the wonderful company, Collector's Press. Collector's Press sells all kinds of retro-themed books, and the subjects are varied: Elvgren Girls, the Atomic Home, retro toys, and all about the 'retro housewife',...

- Joining The 'fun'
Anthony of Spiceblog was apparently cyber-strong-armed into posting about his cookbook shelf. Never one to shy away from a meme, here are my cookbook shelves: Top shelf Middle shelf Bottom shelf Full view 1. Rationale behind what we're seeing?...

