The City That Never Sleeps

The City That Never Sleeps

You might remember that we're heading to New York soon. We'll be in Long Island for a couple days, touring wineries before Lenn and I teach a class at Stony Brook. Then we'll be in NYC proper for several days before heading to Bern's in Tampa Bay.

We hear there are some good things to do in New York City. Any suggestions?

We've got reservations at Blue Hill and wd-50, and we definitely intend to hit Artisanal, 2nd Avenue Deli, Landmarc, and Kitchen Arts & Letters. Of course we'll also be leafing through the two-issue series on New York in The Art of Eating.

But we're open to all sorts of activities: theater, opera (I'd love to attend a Met performance), museums, etc. So leave a comment or drop me a note with ideas you might have. I'm sure we won't have time to visit them all, but that will just entice us to visit again soon!

- Candy
A lot of people tell me that they only like to eat something if they know what it is. I wonder if this is really true. Does anyone know what is in most kinds of candy? Does that stop them from eating candy? Today my Japanese brother came over to my...

- Early Trials With Gelatin Filtration
Harold McGee’s recent New York Times piece on gelatin filtration, where you clarify liquid with a molecular sieve, latched onto my imagination with a steely grip. I liked the idea of a fail-safe way to make consommes — I don’t make them...

- Lenn's New York Wine Club
Originally uploaded by Lenn Thompson. New York's wine regions have received good press, but it can be difficult to find the wines outside that state. Our friend Lenn, who champions the Empire State's wine regions in print and from his blog...

- The Owf "eat 'til You Drop" Tour: Bern's Steakhouse
The final part of our October travelogue. See Long Island, Part 1, Long Island, Part 2, The Ultimate Lavish Dinner, wd-50, and New York minutes. Some wines at Bern's Photo by Melissa Schneider. Bern Laxer collected things with pathological zeal....

- The Owf "eat 'til You Drop" Tour: New York Minutes
Patience. Or is it Fortitude? Photo by Melissa Schneider. I know I'm dragging out the posts about our "Eat 'Til You Drop" tour, but before I write the last post, the one that all the wine lovers will want to read, here's a quick look at...

