

A lot of people tell me that they only like to eat something if they know what it is. I wonder if this is really true. Does anyone know what is in most kinds of candy? Does that stop them from eating candy?

Today my Japanese brother came over to my parents house for a visit. Tomio is about my age and from Osaka, Japan. He lived with my parents some years ago when he was studying English hence the brother thing. His family makes Japanese confections and candy. Mostly they make delicious crunchy cracker-y snacks with peanuts and seaweed.

On this trip to the US, Tomio brought many kinds of confections as a humanitarian gift to children and the handicapped, living in group homes in Osaka's sister city, San Francisco. He also brought plenty of samples for us to try. No one I know ever refuses to try it. But do they know what's in it? Probably not. If from looking at it, they think it might taste good, they are willing to give it a go. I suppose that's human nature in regards to candy and food in general.

Tomio brought lots of Japanese candy on this trip, and it is very beautiful to look at. Japanese candy is so beautiful in fact that an artist in New York named Craig Kanarick has done a photographic study of it. It may be the most expensive candy I've ever seen, but then again, it should last a long, long time. The exhibit called Eye Candy took place at Dylan's Candy Bar in New York, but you can visit the store or the art exhibit online. (note: click on the small photos for a description of the work and click on the image there for a close up).

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