The Banana Bread Story

The Banana Bread Story

I love banana bread and I keep it on top of my list as one of my favorite dishes. I just love the way it tastes, the smell and everything else about it, I just cannot resist to it, it's so good.

Banana bread was and still is one of the most wanted and desirable sweet bread recipes ever. Some people grew up with a secret favorite family recipe that had been passed on from generation to generation. So tell me, how would you like a few ideas for a new touch on banana bread? There are so many different variations of the traditional recipe that you would not believe! If you have some doubts you can always look to recipe books or on the internet. Majority of banana bread recipes are very similar, but it is the unique approach taken by each creative cook that makes the recipes versatile in taste and texture.

There are countless modifications of banana bread recipes that can be done. this is the reason why it is so versatile. Everybody would like to spice it up a bit by adding various types of fruits and nuts in addition to the traditional banana bread recipe. This way you can individualize it and make it a little bit unique. Lets take a look: there is blueberry banana nut bread, apple banana cake, Bisquick banana bread, sour cream banana bread, chocolate chip banana muffins, cranberry banana nut bread, banana pineapple bread, low fat and sugar-free recipes, African banana bread, Weight Watcher’s banana bread, etc, etc, etc… There are also recipes for the “best”, the “moistest” and the “easiest”. The variations are endless as you can see. Just pick the recipe that looks the most delicious and will satisfy your taste!

Banana bread is as American as apple pie or Omaha steaks. It is popular at holiday celebrations, bake sales, family gatherings, church functions, or at any other occasion. It makes a great breakfast or nutritional snack for the kids. It also complements almost any meal as a side dish or as a desert. It goes great with ice cream, yogurt, a side of fresh fruit, whipped cream or it can be eaten all by itself.

Banana bread is easy to put together. That way you can make use of those bananas that have been sitting around on your table or in the fridge for too long! Almost everyone likes banana bread in all of its shapes, whether it takes shape in the form of bread, muffins, cake, or whatever shape you wanted to be. Cook it and try it, I am sure it won’t last as long as those bananas in your fridge

If you have any story to share with us about banana bread or maybe you would like to share you secret recipe, please don't hesitate! Banana bread? Gotta love it!

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