Boalsburg Banana Bread

Boalsburg Banana Bread


A couple of weeks ago, I discovered four extremely ripe bananas lying around.

I should like bananas. But I don't. When I was seven, I got scarlet fever, and one of the medications I was given was a sickly-sweet banana flavor. I couldn't even go near a banana till I was in my late teens!

I will eat a banana now and again, because I know I should. Matt, on the other hand, doesn't eat fruit, other than the odd apple.

But, Alex loves them, so we buy a bunch each week. For some reason, this bunch was forgotten (I think it was Thanksgiving week, and our cupboards were towering with food and stuff). I found them, and while they hadn't long to live, I hated to just toss them in the compost pile.

I'd loved banana bread as a kid, and remembered really liking my Aunt Kathy's loaves. Five or seven years ago, I asked her for her recipe. She seemed a bit surprised by that, thinking it wasn't a big deal; but passed it on. The recipe, Boalsburg Banana Bread, came from the Penn State Cookbook. My late Uncle was a PSU grad, and two of the cousins attended university in State College, as well. To me, it seemed perfectly normal for her to have a Penn State recipe book!

It's easy to make; smash your bananas, add dry and wet ingredients, pour into a pan and bake.

Nuts are commonly added, but the last time I tried it, Alex wasn't so crazy about them. I enjoy walnuts or pecans in banana bread, but for Alex's sake, skipped them.

Alex loved it...eating four pieces the very first morning! So, no waste, and a good breakfast food.

Blog Party, Vegas, Baby! is this weekend! This month, we're all about giving in and indulging; eating and drinking our favorite things. It's a once-a-year chance to really live it up, so make sure you get your appetizer and drink posts to me soon. Make sure you send them in (via the comment section here, or email at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com) by noon (US Eastern) this Saturday. Hope to see you at the party!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Blog Party, Vegas, Blogging, Events, Baking

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