Taste Test

Taste Test

Matt has been rather eager to try some of the goodies Julia recently sent to us, so Friday night we had the Mee Rebus, pictured above.

Big hit. Matt adored it. (Matt says: a bit sweet, distinct taste of peanuts, very much the sort of thing I'd expect from Malay/Indonesian/etc. cuisine. Tasty, although I'm not convinced I chose the right noodles) He ate a lot, which is rare for him. This is so very much his kind of thing.

It was garnished with fried tofu, boiled eggs, diced peppers...I can't even remember everything he put in it, but it was filling and quite delicious...thank you, Julia!

To go with, I made some ginger/tofu filled wontons, which I think are quite tasty.

We even grazed on the left-overs later in the evening...so, I'd say it was a successful meal.

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