Still hungry?

Still hungry?

Over at the Dannon Kitchen is my current post and recipe for a Banana Nut Smoothie which was inspired by the flavors of banana bread.

With any luck I'll have a banana bread recipe here tomorrow!


- Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich: Recipe
There's no getting around it. If you want to eat cheap and healthy food, peanut butter is a natural choice. I know some people can't stand the stuff, but I rather like it. What I don't really like are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. This...

- Healthy Banana Bread: Recipe
In my continuing effort to eat more whole grains, I have been using King Arthur's organic white whole wheat flour. Let me just say right off the bat, this stuff is amazing! It has a milder flavor and lighter more delicate texture than traditional...

- Mocha Banana Bread: Recipe
I read recipes like a scientist would, imagining the results in my head. Like a scientist I also tweak the ingredients and techniques to come up with different results. I rarely follow recipes word for word anymore. Perhaps I'm a mad scientist since...

- Banana Leaf Coconut Fish:recipe
What's a beautiful shade of green, used in Asian, Latin American, Caribbean and African cooking, but completely inedible? Banana leaves! Banana leaves grow in tropical climates, and are used to steam, grill, serve and store food. In Thailand they...

- Boalsburg Banana Bread
Bananas. A couple of weeks ago, I discovered four extremely ripe bananas lying around. I should like bananas. But I don't. When I was seven, I got scarlet fever, and one of the medications I was given was a sickly-sweet banana flavor. I couldn't...

