Still hungry?

Still hungry?

Last year I questioned the Eat Local Challenge with a rather controversial post (check out the comments to see what I mean by controversial). This year, bored to tears after reading a particularly tedious Eat Local post, I began thinking about what makes food dull.

(For the record, I don't think ALL Eat Local posts are tedious, just some of 'em. And I'm not anti-Eat Local, it's just not for me.)

Over at Bay Area Bites is my take on how to take all the fun out of food.


- Is Hunger A Taboo Subject?
The first year I participated in the Hunger Challenge, one of my commenters basically said that anyone who was hungry in this country was lazy. I was also told by a blogger that she wouldn't participate in the Challenge because it was her personal...

- Posts For Your Pleasure
I'm sorry. I'm just too darned obsessed with my new iPhone to post anything original right now. I have been surfing the web however, on my new iPhone, and came across some posts you really should read. Pocket Farm has announced One Local Summer....

What are you doing this weekend? I'm pleased to say I will be down in Half Moon Bay at the Ritz-Carlton attending Inside the Kitchen events and classes and will be blogging about it all weekend long. If you are going to be in San Francisco this...

I love the weekly "posts of the week" feature over at Too Many Chefs. I can't help but find myself heading over there every Friday to see what they've discovered. Recently Foodgoat also jumped on the bandwagon, even choosing one of my posts as...

- Writing, Writing, Writing
Last night I headed over to the Ferry Building Marketplace to meet up with a bunch of local food bloggers and enjoy some wine and nibbles and most importantly some "catch up" with friends. It seemed like everyone had been having a tough week or so. Personally...

