Spreading the Love

Spreading the Love

As you've no doubt figured out, I love to bake goodies but not eat them.

I don't know why...perhaps the act of baking is enough for me.

I made a cake for my in-laws today

Matt didn't take the pictures until he arrived at his parent's house. The ride was not kind to the cake! Much shifting...sigh.

Rum-Mocha Walnut Layer Cake

Even if I did eat my own wares, I'd never touch this one.

It's so full of coffee flavor! I don't like coffee, and Matt doesn't like rum.
My in-laws are still trying to come to terms with the concept: making something I wouldn't eat.

Hey, it's me. Where's the fun in making the same stuff all the time? I like to branch out, try new things (or what would be the use in having 120 cookbooks?). I like to create reasons to make food: "I bet so-and-so would like this".

And since my father-in-law roasts his own coffee, I thought this one would be a hit.

I'm not going to post the recipe. I'm afraid if the in-laws saw the amounts of butter and eggs in this one, they'd never eat it!

If you're interested, just drop me a line...

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