Spicy, Crisp Tofu on Mint-Avocado Salad

Spicy, Crisp Tofu on Mint-Avocado Salad

No deliberate attempt to 'eat healthy' or anything like that, but the weather (prior to these past two days) has been very spring-like & a craving for something light & fresh came a-knockin'.

As it happens, I had this salad recipe bookmarked; it seemed as good a reason as any to give it a try.

Tofu, pressed then dipped in chile sauce & dredged in panko, and fried till crispy (hang on, I know what you're about to say: but remember, if your oil is at the right temperature, very little oil is absorbed by the food).

Toss torn butter lettuce & whole mint leaves with a dressing of chile sauce, orange juice & zest, olive oil & salt.

Plate a large handful of salad, top with thinly sliced & fanned avocado, serve tofu on the side.

This was really quite good. Tasted like 'Spring'; although admittedly we were hungry a few hours later. Perhaps better suited as lunch dish than dinner.

This month, Blog Party's a little bit naughty as we indulge in our most favorite, uttermost cravings...for April, we're giving in to Devil's Food!

You have till Friday, 17 April to join; so go on...give in, you know you want to!

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