Spice World

Spice World

Another F&W recipe; Cinnamon-Ginger Cookies.

Cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, and black pepper; that's a lot of spices! But what kept this cookie from being like any number of spiced treats was the addition of maple syrup and vanilla soymilk or heavy cream, instead of molasses.

What I got was a flavorful, and light, cookie. Very crisp. Perfect with a cup of tea!

- Archway Cookies: A Nostalgic Review
When I was growing up we didn't have soda or candy in the house, or junk food like Twinkies, but we did have cookies. Sometimes my mom made cookies from scratch, and sometimes she bought them. The thing is, some cookies need to be fresh and homemade,...

- Mondays With Maida - Wild-honey And Ginger Cookies
Page 161 in the old book / page 199 in the new book These may look much like last week's cookies, but they're quite different in both taste and texture. They have a full cup of honey in them which probably accounts for the almost orange color....

- Mondays With Maida - Mountain Honey Gingersnaps
Page 38 in the old book / page 73 in the new book I was a little disappointed in these cookies. For some reason, between the description given in the book and the list of ingredients, I had high expectations. I was hoping for a crunchier cookie, but...

- Great, Great Cookies
For my very first Sugar High Friday (!), I give you a multi-generational recipe: Molasses Cookies. I realize molasses cookies aren't an earth-shattering entry. But these cookies have meaning. To us, at least. See, the recipe for these cookies comes...

- Spicy Breakfast
So, Matt needed something to take to work for breakfast, and found a recipe for Peppered Ginger Spice Muffins with Orange Maple Butter in my files. Not what I would think to eat myself, but they are exactly what Matt likes. The smell I picked up...

