Mondays with Maida - Mountain Honey Gingersnaps

Mondays with Maida - Mountain Honey Gingersnaps

Page 38 in the old book / page 73 in the new book

I was a little disappointed in these cookies. For some reason, between the description given in the book and the list of ingredients, I had high expectations. I was hoping for a crunchier cookie, but the two I had weren't especially so (someone else said the one they had was, so the batches may have come out differently). Everyone at work seemed to like them OK, but nobody was gushing. I thought they were altogether ordinary.

In addition to ginger, these cookies are spiced with cinnamon and cloves. There's not a tremendous amount of ginger, so they don't have the punch you might expect from something called a gingersnap. The instructions said to bake them from 13 to 15 minutes, but I had them in the oven about 10 or 11 minutes. That may well have been my problem. Based on their color I assumed they were done, but I expect the additional time was necessary to achieve the crunchiness they are supposed to have.

If there weren't so many other cookies I like better (not to mention all the others yet to try) I'd say these were worth another try. If I did make them again, I would try leaving them in a little longer. If you're fond of spice cookies but prefer them on the milder side, you might be very happy with these.

Next week – Sour Cream Ginger Cookies

Nutrition Facts

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