Simple Supper: Rarebit Risotto

Simple Supper: Rarebit Risotto

Wanting to get a bit more use out of my many cookbooks, I started pulling random volumes off the shelves and sticky-tabbing recipes I thought Matt might enjoy (yes, they're for me, too).

One we thought worth trying was Rarebit Risotto, from Moosewood's Simple Suppers.

Matt used left-over Guinness (I give him full reign on all risottos), and while adding lots and lots of cheese, used considerably less than the recipe called for.

In the end, it was ok.

Not bad. There was positively nothing wrong with it. But it wasn't a 'wow' dish. It was filling, and comforting, in the way rice and cheese can be.

But neither of us got particularly excited about it.

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Risotto + Vegetarian + Rarebit + Moosewood + Supper + Cheese + Cookbooks

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