Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring

Just one of the reasons I love my house: sprinkled all over my yard are beautiful violets. Someone else would surely call in Chemlawn or some company like that; me, I love the natural beauty of this place. I never know what's going to show up, and that what's makes it fun.

Tagged with: Flowers + Spring + Home

- Spring, Springing.... Sprung!
A week or so ago, when spring had officially begun, it didn't feel much like spring around here and it was hard to imagine that it was just around the corner. But this weekend the sunny warm weather, blooming trees, and twittering birds leave no...

- One-off Meme: Flowers
Ramya of Culinary Gems, has asked for pictures of flowers...flowering plants, blossoming vegetables, arrangements, anything...for a one-time meme. I wasn't sure what to post...until Ramya mentioned I could submit an old photo, as well. I finally settled...

- Spring's Surprises
Ignore how long our grass is. You just can't mow when it's raining, people. But, having not spent much time in the yard (see above, plus the addition of mosquitoes), it was such a treat to see most of the yard covered in these tiny wild strawberries....

- Indoor Picnic
So, I finally have a big, gorgeous house, with an enormous yard, filled with old trees and flowering bushes. Our yard is so big, neighbors are often coming up to us and suggesting we sell off a section. Unfortunately, as part of the package...

- Jojo Spring Dinner
Jojo is one of our favorite neighborhood restaurants. Melissa and I had our rehearsal dinner there, and we try and eat there every couple of months. Melissa and I will be out of town for their special "Spring Dinner," but I thought we'd pass along...

