Spring, Springing.... Sprung!

Spring, Springing.... Sprung!

A week or so ago, when spring had officially begun, it didn't feel much like spring around here and it was hard to imagine that it was just around the corner. But this weekend the sunny warm weather, blooming trees, and twittering birds leave no room for doubt - spring is here. Makes me wish there was a spring break for grown-ups!

I am normally immune to that spring cleaning bug, but with Zarah's arrival imminent, this year I have succumbed. I took a break to run out for a couple of ingredients for this week's cookies and was struck by how much was in bloom. When I got back I went for a walk so I could soak up the sights, the sounds and the scents of spring...

These cat-nine-tails aren't exactly harbingers of spring, but they were so strange and beautiful, like ghostly cotton candy. I was snapping away when I heard some commotion...

I had startled some deer. This picture isn't very good - but you can see the white tail. When they were running away from me I was amazed at how long their tails were. After a bit, they decided I wasn't as scary as they first thought and returned to resume their grazing... at a safe distance.

- Dining With The Bloggers - March 23rd
I hate to rush through this post - the recipe I found this week is really wonderful. And just look at that lovely Dining with the Bloggers logo that Zarah made. It's just that it's late and I really must get to bed... Our chosen theme this week...

- One Of My Favorite Things
My grandparent's house was the one place I always felt I was 'home'. Lots of love there, growing up. Theirs was a great place to be a kid, too...big yard with trees and a garden. I loved the white birch tree in the front yard, tearing those...

- Easter Dinner Round-up
Ok...Easter dinner. The weather here is quickly turning into that 'dear god; it's so humid I'm never leaving my air conditioned home again', so I wanted to offer a light, yet filling, dinner. We shared the meal with Matt's parents,...

- Sfist: Chevre Chase
Photo by Melissa Schneider. Spring has sprung, and I celebrated May's arrival with an ode to goat cheese on SFist. IMBB write-up coming soon. I promise....

- On The Thirteenth Day Of Christmas: Something To Chew On
This is actually more of a spring/summer dish, but forgive me. I'm not putting one more of those yellow photos up here again (yet). It's not totally out of season though - yesterday, I laid my hands on a lovely head of spring cabbage and remembered...

