SFist Tuesday

SFist Tuesday

CapriciousWhat's that, you say? You wanted to know when my latest SFist piece would be available? Wait no more, gentle readers! My latest piece focuses on Capricious cheese, available at the Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market and great fromageries. Very long-time readers might remember that I've written about Capricious before, but, hey, food magazines trot out warhorse topics on a much more regular cycle. It's funny to read my earlier post (and not just because of the cruder writing); I use some of the same descriptions, and Capricious is no longer sold at the same farmer's markets. Plus, the original makers have parted ways and only one of them is still involved with the cheese.

- Simple Summer Supper
Photo by Melissa Schneider. In my latest piece for SFist, I urge readers to get out to the farmer's markets, and offer a small assortment of ideas for the produce they might bring home....

- We Interrupt This Vacation...
I'm taking advantage of the wireless networks that surround Sugar Sweet Sunshine on Manhattan's Lower East Side to point you to a couple tidbits. First is my profile of Kathy FitzHenry on SFist. Even on vacation I'm a good little columnist. Second,...

- Pluots And Plumcots And Apriums, Oh My!
You can't miss the seemingly endless array of plum-apricot hybrids on display at farmer's markets. What are they? How did they get there? Find out by reading my latest post for SFist. ...

- Cherries On Sfist
Melissa reminded me that I hadn't yet mentioned my latest SFist piece, a short post about the cherries we're seeing everywhere. Her aunt and uncle visited from Michigan, and we met them and Melissa's mom at the Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market....

Capricious Goat Cheese If you've been wandering Bay Area farmer's markets recently, chances are you've seen Capricious goat cheese stands. I've seen them at the Civic Center market in San Francisco, the 9th Street market in Oakland,...

