We Interrupt This Vacation...

We Interrupt This Vacation...

I'm taking advantage of the wireless networks that surround Sugar Sweet Sunshine on Manhattan's Lower East Side to point you to a couple tidbits.

First is my profile of Kathy FitzHenry on SFist. Even on vacation I'm a good little columnist.

Second, those of you in the East Bay should keep an eye out for Edible East Bay, a free publication focusing on the local food community of Alameda and Contra Costa counties. I'm a regular contributor, and I'll mainly be writing about wine, but I'll write about other topics as well. The inaugural issue has articles by me about Livermore's wine region and East Bay charcuterie, and other pieces by local writers about food topics relevant to those of us on this side of the Bay. These pieces represent the first printed collaboration between Melissa and me: She did the photos, I did the text. Those of you across the water might look for Edible San Francisco.

Edible East Bay can be found at the following locations:

- A Morning Tour Of Chinatown, Edible East Bay, Spring 2007
Ducks hanging at Sun Hing Photo by Melissa SchneiderI've always been shy about diving into Oakland's Chinatown, even though it's mere blocks from my apartment. But when my Edible East Bay editor wanted to set me up with longtime Chinatown...

- Edible East Bay, Winter 2007
The latest Edible East Bay is back from the printers; expect to see it within a week at farmers' markets and key stores throughout Alameda County and Contra Costa County—Andronico's, Vintage Berkeley, and Berkeley Bowl, among others. This...

- Edible East Bay, Fall 2006, Contra Costa Vineyards
Photo by Melissa Schneider. The latest Edible East Bay is out, and features my story about "The Unexpected Vineyards of Contra Costa County." I've only recently learned about the great growing region through the Caldecott Tunnel, and...

- Rosenblum Article Sidebar (and Correction)
Photo by Melissa Schneider. My sidebar didn't make it into my Edible East Bay, Issue 2, article about Rosenblum, so I decided to run the text here. The tasting notes cover wines that stood out as I researched the piece. I've also added the...

- Sfist Is Full Of Beans
Photo by Melissa Schneider. At least they are today, thanks to my write-up about Rancho Gordo beans, the best dried beans you're likely to find. Read it. Enjoy it. Comment on it.In other news, I'm told that issue 2 of Edible East Bay will...

